Peer-reviewed publications
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99. Arroyo-Esquivel, J., R. Adams, S. Gravem, R. Whippo, Z. Randell, J. Hodin, A. Galloway, B. Gaylord, and M.L. Baskett. 2024. Multiple resiliency metrics reveal complementary drivers of ecosystem persistence: an application to kelp forest systems. Ecology 105: e4453, doi: 10.1002/ecy.4453. [pdf]
98. Burnett, N., A.M. Ricart, T. Winquist, A.M. Saley, M.S. Edwards, B. Hughes, J. Hodin, M.L. Baskett, and B. Gaylord. 2024. Bimodal spore release heights in the water column enhance local retention and population connectivity of bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70177, doi: 10.1002/ece3.70177. [pdf]
97. Ninokawa, A.T., A.M. Saley, R. Shalchi, and B. Gaylord. 2024. Multiple carbonate system parameters independently govern shell formation in a marine mussel. Communications Earth and Environment 5: 273, doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01440-5. [pdf]
96. Ng, G., M.L. Baskett, and B. Gaylord. 2024. Quantifying the effects of sensory stress on trophic cascades. Theoretical Ecology 17: 45-57. [pdf]
95. Kennedy, E.G., M. Zulian, S.L. Hamilton, T.M. Hill, M. Delgado, C.R. Fish, B. Gaylord, K.J. Kroeker, H.M. Palmer, A.M. Ricart, E. Sanford, A.K. Spalding, M. Ward, G. Carrasco, M. Elliott, G.V. Grisby, E. Harris, J. Jahncke, C.N. Rocheleau, S. Westerink, and M.I. Wilmot. 2024. A high-resolution synthesis dataset for multistressor analyses along the U.S. West Coast. Earth System Science Data 16: 219-243. [pdf]
94. Elsmore, K., K.J. Nickols, L.P. Miller, T. Ford, M.W. Denny, and B. Gaylord. 2024. Wave damping by giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera. Annals of Botany 133: 29-39. [pdf]
93. Hamilton, S.L., E.G. Kennedy, M. Zulian, T.M. Hill, B. Gaylord, E. Sanford, A.M. Ricart, M. Ward, A.K. Spalding, and K. Kroeker. 2023. Variable exposure to multiple climate stressors across the California marine protected area network and policy implications. ICES Journal of Marine Science 80: 1923-1935. [pdf]
92. Schiebelhut, L., B. Gaylord, R. Grosberg, L. Jurgens, and M. Dawson. 2022. Species’ attributes predict the relative magnitude of ecological and genetic recovery following mass mortality. Molecular Ecology 31: 5714-5728. [pdf]
91. Jellison, B.M., S.C. Bacus, and B. Gaylord. 2022. Variation in the behavioral tolerance of congeneric marine snails to low-pH exposure. Marine Ecology Progress Series 697: 57-66. [pdf]
90. Elsmore, K., K.J. Nickols, T. Ford, K.C. Cavanaugh, K.C. Cavanaugh, and B. Gaylord. 2022. Macrocystis pyrifera forest development shapes the physical environment through current velocity reduction. Marine Ecology Progress Series 694: 45-59. [pdf]
89. Ricart, A.M., M. Ward, T.M. Hill, E. Sanford, K.J. Kroeker, Y. Takeshita, S. Merolla, P. Shukla, A. Ninokawa, K. Elsmore, and B. Gaylord. 2022. Commentary: Overstated Potential for Seagrass Meadows to Mitigate Coastal Ocean Acidification. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 884857, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.884857. [pdf]
88. Jellison, B.M., K.E. Elsmore, J.T. Miller, G. Ng, A.T. Ninokawa, T.M. Hill, and B. Gaylord. 2022. Low-pH seawater alters indirect interactions in rocky-shore tidepools. Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.8607. [pdf]
87. Ward, M., T.L. Kindinger, H.K. Hirsh, T.M. Hill, B.M. Jellison, S. Lummis, E.B. Rivest, G.G. Waldbusser, B. Gaylord, and K.J. Kroeker. 2022. Reviews and syntheses: Spatial and temporal patterns in seagrass metabolic fluxes. Biogeosciences 19: 689–699. [pdf]
86. Burnett, N.P. and B. Gaylord. 2022. Flow, form and force: methods and frameworks for field studies of macroalgal biomechanics. Journal of Experimental Botany 73: 1122-1138. [pdf]
85. Jurgens, L.J., L.W. Ashlock, and B. Gaylord. 2022. Facilitation alters climate change risk on rocky shores. Ecology 103: e03596, doi: 10.1002/ecy.3596.
84. Ricart, A.M., B. Gaylord, T.M. Hill, J.D. Sigwart, P. Shukla, M. Ward, A. Ninokawa, and E. Sanford. 2021. Seagrass‑driven changes in carbonate chemistry enhance oyster shell growth. Oecologia 196: 565–576. [pdf]
83. Ricart, A.M., M. Ward, T.M. Hill, E. Sanford, K.J. Kroeker, Y. Takeshita, S. Merolla, P. Shukla, A. Ninokawa, K. Elsmore, and B. Gaylord. 2021. Coast-wide evidence of low pH amelioration by seagrass ecosystems. Global Change Biology 27: 2580-2591. (Highlighted as Editor’s Choice in Science 372: 930). [pdf]
82. Ng, G. and B. Gaylord. 2020. The legacy of predators: persistence of trait-mediated indirect effects in an intertidal food chain. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2020.151416. [pdf]
81. Lyman, T.P., K. Elsmore, B. Gaylord, J.E.K. Byrnes, and L.P. Miller. 2020. Open wave height logger: an open source pressure sensor data logger for wave measurement. Limnology & Oceanography Methods 18: 335-345. [pdf]
80. Hodin, J., M.C. Ferner, and B. Gaylord. 2020. Choosing the right home: settlement responses by larvae of six sea urchin species align with hydrodynamic traits of their contrasting adult habitats. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 190: 737-756. [pdf]
79. Ninokawa, A.T., Y. Takeshita, B.M. Jellison, L.J. Jurgens, and B. Gaylord. 2020. Biological modification of seawater chemistry by an ecosystem engineer, the California mussel, Mytilus californianus. Limnology & Oceanography 65: 157-172. [pdf]
78. Gaylord, B., K.M. Barclay, B.M. Jellison, L.J. Jurgens, A.T. Ninokawa, E.B. Rivest, and L.R. Leighton. 2019. Ocean change within shoreline communities: From biomechanics to behavior and beyond. Conservation Physiology 7: coz077, doi:10.1093/conphys/coz077. [pdf]
77. Barclay, K.M., B. Gaylord, B.M. Jellison, P. Shukla, E. Sanford, and L.R. Leighton. 2019. Variation in the effects of ocean acidification on shell growth and strength in two intertidal gastropods. Marine Ecology Progress Series 626: 109-121. [pdf]
76. Jellison, B.M. and B. Gaylord. 2019. Shifts in seawater chemistry disrupt trophic links within a simple shoreline food web. Oecologia 190: 955-967. [pdf]
75. Rivest, E., B. Jellison, G. Ng, E. Satterthwaite, H.L. Bradley, S.L. Williams, and B. Gaylord. 2019. Mechanisms involving sensory pathway steps inform impacts of global climate change on ecological processes. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 346, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00346. [pdf]
74. Ferner, M.C., J. Hodin, G. Ng, and B. Gaylord. 2019. Brief exposure to intense turbulence induces a sustained life-history shift in echinoids. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb187351, doi:10.1242/jeb.187351. [pdf]
73. George, D., J. Largier, C. Storlazzi, M. Robart, and B. Gaylord. 2018. Currents, waves and sediment transport around the headland of Pt. Dume, California. Continental Shelf Research 171: 63-76. [pdf]
72. Hodin, J., M.C. Ferner, G. Ng, and B. Gaylord. 2018. Sand dollar larvae show within-population variation in their settlement induction by turbulence. Biological Bulletin 235: 152-166. [pdf]
71. Gaylord, B., E. Rivest, T. Hill, E. Sanford, P. Shukla, A. Ninokawa, and G. Ng. 2018. California mussels as bio-indicators of ocean acidification. California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, California Natural Resources Agency. Publication number: CCCA4-CNRA-2018-003. [pdf]
70. Koweek, D.A., R.C. Zimmerman, K.M. Hewett, B. Gaylord, S.N. Giddings, K.J. Nickols, J.L. Ruesink, J.J. Stachowicz, Y. Takeshita, and K. Caldeira. 2018. Expected limits on the ocean acidification buffering potential of a temperate seagrass meadow. Ecological Applications 28: 1694-1714. [pdf]
69. Rivest, E., T.M. Hill, B. Gaylord, E. Sanford, S. Myhre, and J.L. Largier. 2018. Acidification of ocean waters. Pages 45- 53 in Indicators of climate change in California. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency. [pdf]
68. Hodin, J., M.C. Ferner, G. Ng, and B. Gaylord. 2018. Turbulence exposure recapitulates desperate behavior in late-stage sand dollar larvae. BMC Zoology 3: 9, doi.org/10.1186/s40850-018-0034-5. [pdf]
67. Davis, C.V., K. Hewett, T.M. Hill, J.L. Largier, B. Gaylord, and J. Jahncke. 2018. Reconstructing aragonite saturation state based on an empirical relationship for Northern California. Estuaries and Coasts 41: 2056-2069. [pdf]
66. Hodin, J., M.C. Ferner, A. Heyland, and B. Gaylord. 2018. I feel that! Fluid dynamics and sensory aspects of larval settlement across scales. Pages 190-206 in T.J. Carrier, A.M. Reitzel, A. Heyland (eds.), Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Oxford University Press, Oxford. [pdf]
65. Jurgens, L.J., and B. Gaylord. 2018. Physical effects of habitat-forming species override latitudinal trends in temperature. Ecology Letters 21: 190-196. [pdf]
64. Swezey, D.S., J.R. Bean, T.M. Hill, B. Gaylord, A.T. Ninokawa, and E. Sanford. 2017. Plastic responses of bryozoans to ocean acidification. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 4399-4409. [pdf]
63. Chan, F., J.A. Barth, C.A. Blanchette, R.H. Byrne, F. Chavez, O. Cheriton, R.A. Feely, G. Friederich, B. Gaylord, T. Gouhier, S. Hacker, T. Hill, G. Hofmann, M.A. McManus, B.A. Menge, K.J. Nielsen, A. Russell, E. Sanford, J. Sevadjian, and L. Washburn. 2017. Persistent spatial structuring of coastal ocean acidification in the California Current System. Scientific Reports 7: 2526, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02777-y. [pdf]
62. Davis, C.V., E.B. Rivest, T.M. Hill, B. Gaylord, A.D. Russell, and E. Sanford. 2017. Ocean acidification compromises a planktic calcifier with implications for global carbon cycling. Scientific Reports 7: 2225, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01530-9. [pdf]
61. Swezey, D.S., J.R. Bean, A.T. Ninokawa, T.M. Hill, B. Gaylord, and E. Sanford. 2017. Interactive effects of temperature, food, and skeletal mineralogy mediate biological responses to ocean acidification in a widely distributed bryozoan. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20162349, doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.2349. [pdf]
60. Sunday, J.M., K.E. Fabricius, K.J. Kroeker, K.M. Anderson, N.E. Brown, J.P. Barry, S.D. Connell, S. Dupont, B. Gaylord, J.M. Hall-Spencer, T. Klinger, M. Milazzo, P.L. Munday, B.D. Russell, E. Sanford, V. Thiyagarajan, M.L.H. Vaughan, S. Widdicombe, and C.D.G. Harley. 2017. Ocean acidification can mediate biodiversity shifts by changing biogenic habitat. Nature Climate Change 7: 81-85. [pdf]
59. Jurgens, L.J. and B. Gaylord. 2016. Edge effects reverse facilitation by a widespread foundation species. Scientific Reports 6: 37573, doi:10.1038/srep37573. [pdf]
58. Feely, R.A., S. Alin, B. Carter, N. Bednarsek, B. Hales, F. Chan, T. Hill, B. Gaylord, E. Sanford, R.H. Byrne, C. Sabine, D. Greeley, and L. Juranek. 2016. Chemical and biological impacts of ocean acidification along the west coast of North America. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 183: 260-270. [pdf]
57. Davis, C.V., A.D. Russell, B. Gaylord, J. Jahncke, and T.M. Hill. 2016. Seasonality in planktic foraminifera of the Central California coast upwelling region. Biogeosciences 13: 5139-5150. [pdf]
56. Jellison, B.M., A.T. Ninokawa, T.M. Hill, E. Sanford, and B. Gaylord. 2016. Ocean acidification alters the response of intertidal snails to a key sea star predator. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20160890, doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.0890. [pdf]
55. Kroeker, K., E. Sanford, J. Rose, C. Blanchette, F. Chan, F. Chavez, B. Gaylord, B. Helmuth, T. Hill, G. Hofmann, M. McManus, B. Menge, K. Nielsen, P. Raimondi, A. Russell, L. Washburn. 2016. Overlapping environmental mosaics drive geographic variation in mussel performance and species interactions. Ecology Letters 19: 771-779. [pdf]
54. Kwiatkowski, L., B. Gaylord, T. Hill, J. Hosfelt, K.J. Kroeker, Y. Nebuchina, A. Ninokawa, A. Russell, E.B. Rivest, M. Sesboue, and K. Caldeira. 2016. Nighttime dissolution in a temperate coastal ocean ecosystem increases under acidification. Scientific Reports 6: 22984, doi:10.1038/srep22984. [pdf]
53. Hodin, J., M.C. Ferner, C.J. Lowe, G. Ng, and B. Gaylord. 2015. Rethinking competence in marine life cycles: ontogenetic changes in the settlement response of sand dollar larvae exposed to turbulence. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150114, doi.org/10.1098/RSOS.150114. [pdf]
52. Jurgens, L., L. Rogers-Bennett, P.T. Raimondi, L.M. Schiebelhut, M.N. Dawson, R.K. Grosberg, and B. Gaylord. 2015. Severe mass mortality of rocky shore invertebrates across 100 km of coastline. PLoS One 10: e0126280, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126280. [pdf]
51. Evans, T.G., J.L. Padilla-Gamino, M.W. Kelly, M.H. Pespeni, F. Chan, B.A. Menge, B. Gaylord, T.M. Hill, A.D. Russell, S.R. Palumbi, E. Sanford, and G.E. Hofmann. 2015. Ocean acidification research in the ‘post-genomic’ era: roadmaps from the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 185: 33-42. [pdf]
50. Gaylord, B., K.J. Kroeker, J.M. Sunday, K.M. Anderson, J.P. Barry, N.E. Brown, S.D. Connell, S. Dupont, K.E. Fabricius, J.M. Hall-Spencer, T. Klinger, M. Milazzo, P.L. Munday, B.D. Russell, E. Sanford, S.J. Schreiber, V. Thiyagarajan, M.L.H. Vaughan, S. Widdicombe, C.D.G. Harley. 2015. Ocean acidification through the lens of ecological theory. Ecology 96: 3-15. (Centennial Article for the journal). [pdf]
49. Nickols, K.J., J.W. White, J.L. Largier, and B. Gaylord. 2015. Marine population connectivity: reconciling large-scale dispersal and high self-retention. American Naturalist 185: 196-211. [pdf]
48. Miller, S.H., S. Zarate, E.H. Smith, B. Gaylord, J.D. Hosfelt, and T.M. Hill. 2014. Effect of elevated pCO2 on metabolic responses of porcelain crab (Petrolisthes cinctipes) larvae exposed to subsequent salinity stress. PLoS One 9: e109167, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109167. [pdf]
47. Kroeker, K.J., E. Sanford, B.M. Jellison, and B. Gaylord. 2014. Predicting the effects of ocean acidification on predator-prey interactions: A conceptual framework based on coastal molluscs. Biological Bulletin 226: 211-222. [pdf]
46. Kroeker, K.J., B. Gaylord, T.M. Hill, J.D. Hosfelt, S.H. Miller, and E. Sanford. 2014. The role of temperature in determining species’ vulnerability to ocean acidification: A case study using Mytilus galloprovincialis. PLoS One 9: e100353, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100353. [pdf]
45. Hofmann, G.E., T.G. Evans, M.W. Kelly, J.L. Padilla-Gamino, C.A. Blanchette, L. Washburn, F. Chan, M.A. McManus, B.A. Menge, B. Gaylord, T.M. Hill, E. Sanford, M. LaVigne, J.M. Rose, L. Kapsenberg, J.M. Dutton. 2014. Exploring local adaptation and the ocean acidification seascape – studies in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Biogeosciences 11: 1053-1064. [pdf]
44. Sanford, E., B. Gaylord, A. Hettinger, E.A. Lenz, K. Meyer, and T.M. Hill. 2014. Ocean acidification increases the vulnerability of native oysters to predation by invasive snails. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20132681, doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.2681. [pdf]
43. Nickols, K.J., S.H. Miller, B. Gaylord, S.G. Morgan, and J.L. Largier. 2013. Spatial differences in larval abundance within the coastal boundary layer impact supply to shoreline habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 494: 191-203. [pdf]
42. Hettinger, A., E. Sanford, T.M. Hill, J.D. Hosfelt, A.D. Russell, and B. Gaylord. 2013. The influence of food supply on the response of Olympia oyster larvae to ocean acidification. Biogeosciences 10: 6629-6638. [pdf]
41. Hettinger, A., E. Sanford, T.M. Hill, E.A. Lenz, A.D. Russell, and B. Gaylord. 2013. Larval carry-over effects from ocean acidification persist in the natural environment. Global Change Biology 19: 3317-3326. [pdf]
40. Gaylord, B., J. Hodin, and M.C. Ferner. 2013. Turbulent shear spurs settlement in larval sea urchins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 110: 6901-6906. [pdf]
39. Pespeni, M.H., E. Sanford, B. Gaylord, T.M. Hill, J.D. Hosfelt, M. LaVigne, E.A. Lenz, A.D. Russell, M.K. Young, and S.R Palumbi. 2013. Evolutionary change during experimental ocean acidification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 110: 6937-6942. [pdf]
38. LaVigne, M., T.M. Hill, E. Sanford, B. Gaylord, A.D. Russell, E.A. Lenz, J.D. Hosfelt, M.K. Young. 2013. Effects of increased pCO2 and geographic origin on purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) calcite elemental composition. Biogeosciences 10: 3465-3477. [pdf]
37. Hettinger, A., E. Sanford, T.M. Hill, A.D. Russell, K.N. Sato, J. Hoey, M. Forsch, H.N. Page, and B. Gaylord. 2012. Persistent carry-over effects of planktonic exposure to ocean acidification in the Olympia oyster. Ecology 93: 2758-2768. [pdf]
36. Nickols, K.J., B. Gaylord, and J.L. Largier. 2012. The coastal boundary layer: Predictable current structure decreases alongshore transport and alters scales of dispersal. Marine Ecology Progress Series 464: 17-35. [pdf]
35. Hill, T.M., M. LaVigne, H.J. Spero, T.P. Guilderson, B. Gaylord, and D. Clague. 2012. Variations in seawater Sr/Ca recorded in deep-sea bamboo corals. Paleoceanography 27, PA3202, doi:10.1029/2011PA002260. [pdf]
34. Gaylord, B., K.J. Nickols, and L. Jurgens. 2012. Roles of transport and mixing processes in kelp forest ecology. Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 997-1007. [pdf]
33. Gaylord, B., T.M. Hill, E.D. Sanford, E.A. Lenz, L.A. Jacobs, K.N. Sato, A.D. Russell, and A. Hettinger. 2011. Functional impacts of ocean acidification in an ecologically critical foundation species. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 2586-2594. (“Highlights 2011” article for the journal). [pdf]
32. Denny, M.W., and B. Gaylord. 2010. Marine ecomechanics. Annual Review of Marine Science 2: 89-114. [pdf]
31. Gaines, S.D., S. Lester, G. Eckert, B. Kinlan, R. Sagarin, and B. Gaylord. 2009. Dispersal and geographic ranges in the sea. Pages 227-249 in J. Witman and K. Roy (eds), Marine macroecology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. [pdf]
30. Stewart, H.L , J.P. Fram, D.C. Reed, S.L. Williams, M.A. Brzezinski, S. MacIntyre, and B. Gaylord. 2009. Differences in growth, morphology and tissue C and N of Macrocystis pyrifera within and at the outer edge of a giant kelp forest in California, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 375: 101-112. [pdf]
29. Gaylord, B., M.W. Denny, and M.A.R. Koehl. 2008. Flow forces on seaweeds: Field evidence for roles of wave impingement and organism inertia. Biological Bulletin 215: 295-308. [pdf]
28. Ferner, M.C., and B. Gaylord. 2008. Flexibility foils filter function: Structural limitations on suspension feeding. Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 3563-3572. [pdf]
27. Gaylord, B. 2008. Hydrodynamic context for considering turbulence impacts on external fertilization. Biological Bulletin 214: 315-318. [pdf]
26. Fram, J.P., H.L. Stewart, M.A. Brzezinski, B. Gaylord, D.C. Reed, S.L. Williams, and S. MacIntyre. 2008. Physical pathways and utilization of nitrate supply to the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera. Limnology and Oceanography 53: 1589-1603. [pdf]
25. Gaylord, B., J. Rosman, D.C. Reed, J.R. Koseff, J. Fram, S. MacIntyre, K. Arkema, C. McDonald, M.A. Brzezinski, J.L. Largier, S.G. Monismith, P.T. Raimondi, and B. Mardian. 2007. Spatial patterns of flow and their modification within and around a giant kelp forest. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 1838-1852. [pdf]
24. Gaylord, B. 2007. Hydrodynamic forces. Pages 277-283 in M.W. Denny and S.D. Gaines (eds), Encyclopedia of tidepools and rocky shores. University of California Press, Berkeley. [pdf]
23. Miller, L.P., and B. Gaylord. 2007. Barriers to flow: The effects of experimental cage structures on water velocities in high-energy subtidal and intertidal environments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 344: 215-228. [pdf]
22. Gaines, S.D., B. Gaylord, L.R. Gerber, A. Hastings, and B. Kinlan. 2007. Connecting places: The ecological consequences of dispersal in the sea. Oceanography 20: 90-99. [pdf]
21. Gaylord, B., D.C. Reed, P.T. Raimondi, and L. Washburn. 2006. Macroalgal spore dispersal in coastal environments: Mechanistic insights revealed by theory and experiment. Ecological Monographs 76: 481-502. [pdf]
20. Sagarin, R.D., S.D. Gaines, and B. Gaylord. 2006. Moving beyond assumptions to understand abundance distributions across the ranges of species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21: 524-530. [pdf]
19. Reed, D.C., B.P. Kinlan, P.T. Raimondi, L. Washburn, B. Gaylord, and P.T. Drake. 2006. A metapopulation perspective on patch dynamics and connectivity of giant kelp. Pages 353- 386 in J.P. Kritzer and P.F. Sale (eds), Marine Metapopulations. Academic Press, San Diego. [pdf]
18. Gaylord, B., S.D. Gaines, D.A. Siegel, and M.H. Carr. 2005. Marine reserves can exploit life history and population structure to potentially increase fisheries yields. Ecological Applications 15: 2180-2191. [pdf]
17. Gaylord, B., D.C. Reed, L. Washburn, and P.T. Raimondi. 2004. Physical-biological coupling in spore dispersal of kelp forest macroalgae. Journal of Marine Systems 49: 19-39. [pdf]
16. Raimondi, P.T., D.C. Reed, B. Gaylord, and L. Washburn. 2004. Effects of self-fertilization in the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera. Ecology 85: 3267-3276. [pdf]
15. Gaylord, B., M.W. Denny, and M.A.R. Koehl. 2003. Modulation of wave forces on kelp canopies by alongshore currents. Limnology and Oceanography 48: 860-871. [pdf]
14. Siegel, D.A., B.P. Kinlan, B. Gaylord, and S.D. Gaines. 2003. Lagrangian descriptions of marine larval dispersion. Marine Ecology Progress Series 260: 83-96. [pdf]
13. Gaines, S.D., B. Gaylord, and J.L. Largier. 2003. Avoiding current oversights in marine reserve design. Ecological Applications 13: S32-S46 (Special Issue on Marine Reserves). [pdf]
12. Gaylord, B., D.C. Reed, P.T. Raimondi, L. Washburn, and S.R. McLean. 2002. A physically based model of macroalgal spore dispersal in the wave and current-dominated nearshore. Ecology 83: 1239-1251. [pdf]
11. Denny, M., and B. Gaylord. 2002. The mechanics of wave-swept algae. Journal of Experimental Biology 205: 1355-1362. [pdf]
10. Wolcott, B.D., and B. Gaylord. 2002. Flow-induced energetic bounds to growth in an intertidal sea anemone. Marine Ecology Progress Series 245: 101-109. [pdf]
9. Gaylord, B., B.B. Hale, and M.W. Denny. 2001. Consequences of transient fluid forces for compliant benthic organisms. Journal of Experimental Biology 204: 1347-1360. [pdf]
8. Gaylord, B., and S.D. Gaines. 2000. Temperature or transport? Range limits in marine species mediated solely by flow. American Naturalist 155: 769-789. [pdf]
7. Gaylord, B. 2000. Biological implications of surf-zone flow complexity. Limnology and Oceanography 45: 174-188. [pdf]
6. Gaylord, B. 1999. Detailing agents of physical disturbance: Wave-induced velocities and accelerations on a rocky shore. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 239: 85-124. [pdf]
5. Denny, M., B. Gaylord, B. Helmuth, and T. Daniel. 1998. The menace of momentum: Dynamic forces on flexible organisms. Limnology and Oceanography 43: 955-968. (Highlighted in Nature 396: 621-623: Koehl, M.A.R. 1998. Biomechanics - The quirks of jerks). [pdf]
4. Denny, M.W., B.P. Gaylord, and E.A. Cowan. 1997. Flow and flexibility II: The roles of size and shape in determining wave forces on the bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana. Journal of Experimental Biology 200: 3165-3183. (Cited in U.S. patent application #20110002739, 1/6/2011). [pdf]
3. Gaylord, B., and M.W. Denny. 1997. Flow and flexibility I: Effects of size, shape, and stiffness in determining wave forces on the stipitate kelps, Pterygophora californica and Eisenia arborea. Journal of Experimental Biology 200: 3141-3164. [pdf]
2. Denny, M.W., and B. Gaylord. 1996. Why the urchin lost its spines: Hydrodynamic forces and survivorship in three echinoids. Journal of Experimental Biology 199: 717-729. [pdf]
1. Gaylord, B., C.A. Blanchette, and M.W. Denny. 1994. Mechanical consequences of size in wave-swept algae. Ecological Monographs 64: 287-313. [pdf]